Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wedding Planning?!

That's right. The strange truth is, I am LEGITIMATELY making wedding plans. I mean, like many girls, I've made "plans". But this is for REAL!


We officially have a temple date: April 23, 2011 in the Salt Lake Temple. I'll be getting endowed just before.

I know -- that's FOREVER away, but it really is the soonest date possible. James is going off to grad school in Oregon, but I need to finish my degree here at BYU...

So. On April 21-22, I'll be graduating. Con mucho gusto.

Then on the 23rd James and I will get MARRIED! EE!

We went to look at rings on Tuesday. We found out that I am a size 4.5 and I found a ring that I fell in love with. And today we're going back to look at specific sapphires (I would rather have a sapphire than a diamond) and then... I'm not sure. But I'm closer to getting a real ring. That fits. I'll post a picture when I get it. :)

Other than that, I have officially found a wedding dress I'm in love with. I LOVE IT. I'm not going to purchase it quite yet... (And I hoenstly don't care about the whole groom can't see dress before wedding thing. WHATEVER.)

This is so weird.


  1. PRETTY! I love the dress! Eeeeeeeee!!!! You're GETTING MARRIED!!! :D

  2. I love it! I hope it looks as good on you in real life as it does on the model, although I'm sure it will! =) Good luck!
